6 ways to collect email addresses without a website

We’ve said it before: email marketing is a critical component of any overall digital marketing strategy. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. Check out these 48 statistics that show the value of email marketing for … Continue reading “6 ways to collect email addresses without a website”

Social media posting: How often should a brand really share?

For about as long as social media became a natural component of digital marketing, brands have wondered: “How often should I post?” Obviously, no one wants to post too much or too little. As of 2022, there are about 4 billion social media users across … Continue reading “Social media posting: How often should a brand really share?”

9 of the best Facebook groups for marketing conversations

Marketers face a lot of the same challenges along the way. Enter marketing Facebook groups. Usually, the most common recurring question is, “Am I doing this right?” Yes, there are courses you can take, books to read and blogs (like this one) to engage with, … Continue reading “9 of the best Facebook groups for marketing conversations”

Facebook or Instagram: Which is better for marketing your business?

It might not be an age-old question, but many small businesses often ask which is better for marketing: Facebook or Instagram? Unfortunately, there is not a one-size-fits-all answer. Sharing about 4 billion users across the two social networks, the opportunities on both are immense. Of … Continue reading “Facebook or Instagram: Which is better for marketing your business?”

5 tips to optimize your Facebook Pixel

The key to any digital marketing strategy involves testing, tracking and refining based on the data. When it comes to Facebook and Instagram ads, you must incorporate the free-to-use Facebook Pixel to obtain the best data tied to your campaign performance. The Facebook Pixel is … Continue reading “5 tips to optimize your Facebook Pixel”

7 ranking factors to know about the Facebook Algorithm

Facebook is still the largest social media network today. As of the second quarter of 2021, Facebook had about 2.89 billion monly active users. At the core of the platform is the news feed, which is controlled by the Facebook Algorithm. The Facebook Algorithm controls … Continue reading “7 ranking factors to know about the Facebook Algorithm”

6 Facebook marketing tips you should know

It’s hard to imagine a business that doesn’t at least have a presence on Facebook. But is your brand taking advantage of all the marketing opportunities that exist on the platform? With more than 2.8 million monthly users, Facebook still holds the title of being … Continue reading “6 Facebook marketing tips you should know”

13 biggest mistakes businesses make on Facebook (and how to avoid them)

An obvious tool in many digital marketing strategies, Facebook gives your business the ability to share content, engage with your followers and target potential customers. But it’s also an easy space to make any number of mistakes. The good news is that done right, Facebook … Continue reading “13 biggest mistakes businesses make on Facebook (and how to avoid them)”

7 tips to better target your Facebook ads (and see more results)

Advertising on Facebook is a great way to reach a lot of people.  It is the No. 1 social media network, after all, reaching about 59 percent of the world’s social networking population. But just like with any advertising, Facebook ads are only as effective … Continue reading “7 tips to better target your Facebook ads (and see more results)”

Snapshot: Understanding your metrics on Facebook

If you’re managing a Facebook page, it’s critical to know what’s working (or not) with what you’re posting. It’s also important to get a real sense of who your audience is. And all that data can be found in Facebook Insights. You’ll find Facebook Insights … Continue reading “Snapshot: Understanding your metrics on Facebook”

Which social media platform is right for your company?

At a time when there are so many social media platforms and businesses know that they need to be relevant online, which platform is best? The answer isn’t one size fits all. Most importantly, don’t assume that you have to spread out across all platforms. … Continue reading “Which social media platform is right for your company?”

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