DailyStory Tutorials

Step-by-step walkthroughs of common use cases.

How to warm-up an SMS sending number

Why do I need to warm-up an SMS sending number? When you lease a new number for your SMS marketing, or move from another provider, you need to warm-up your sending number reputation to ensure you avoid carrier violations. Warming-up your sending reputation is the … Continue reading “How to warm-up an SMS sending number”

How to warm-up an email IP address

Why do I need to warm-up an IP address? When you transition from one Email Service Provider (ESP) to another you will change IP addresses too – and possibly use an IP address that has never been used to send email before. Because the IP … Continue reading “How to warm-up an email IP address”

Creating and sending your first transactional email

The DailyStory marketing automation platform includes support for transactional email. In this tutorial we’re going to create a transactional email and send it using the DailyStory APIs. DailyStory supports 2 ways to send transactional email: Send the full email to the API Use an email … Continue reading “Creating and sending your first transactional email”

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