6 ways to collect email addresses without a website

We’ve said it before: email marketing is a critical component of any overall digital marketing strategy. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. Check out these 48 statistics that show the value of email marketing for … Continue reading “6 ways to collect email addresses without a website”

12 strategies to capture more email leads without annoying everyone

The last thing any smart business wants to do is accidentally annoy or “chase off” website visitors in the pursuit of capturing email leads. Why capture email addresses? About 80 percent of business professionals say that email marketing increases customer retention, according to HubSpot. That … Continue reading “12 strategies to capture more email leads without annoying everyone”

10 tips to create effective landing pages

One of the most important tools for lead generation and sales conversion is the landing page. Landing pages are standalone web pages that are disconnected from your website’s navigation. Their purpose is to present focused content that aims to convince visitors to act, whether that’s … Continue reading “10 tips to create effective landing pages”

8 tips to make your event marketing better

Understandably, event marketing is a broad strategy that can be used within your digital marketing, based on the events you may or may not be hosting. But for businesses that do host or attend any sort of event (in-person or online), it’s critical to think … Continue reading “8 tips to make your event marketing better”

Premium content: What it is and how you can leverage it in your marketing

If content is king, then what would premium content be? Content marketing itself is increasingly important for businesses to embrace in a digital world. Think of your website (or even your social media accounts) as a planet. Your content being the gravitational pull that generates … Continue reading “Premium content: What it is and how you can leverage it in your marketing”

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