13 common SEO mistakes you could be making right now

Whether you’ve heard of search engine optimization before or not, your website could already be making common SEO mistakes. Why does this matter? The more SEO mistakes you’re making, the less likely you’ll rank anywhere significant (or at all) on a search engine results page … Continue reading “13 common SEO mistakes you could be making right now”

13 common SEO mistakes your franchise could be making right now

Whether you’ve heard of search engine optimization before or not, your franchise website could already be making common SEO mistakes. Why does this matter? The more SEO mistakes you’re making, the less likely your franchise will rank anywhere significant (or at all) on a search … Continue reading “13 common SEO mistakes your franchise could be making right now”

14 biggest mistakes businesses make on Instagram (and how to avoid them)

With more than 1 billion active monthly users, Instagram clearly holds an appeal for brands looking to reach key target audiences. But on the fourth-largest mobile app, it can be all too easy for brands to make very public mistakes. The following are the 14 … Continue reading “14 biggest mistakes businesses make on Instagram (and how to avoid them)”

6 biggest mistakes businesses make on LinkedIn

LinkedIn remains a popular social media network for professionals and B2B marketing in particular. The platform offers the ability to create a free personal profile, as well as a Company Page to represent your larger brand, LinkedIn currently has 722 million users, which doesn’t make … Continue reading “6 biggest mistakes businesses make on LinkedIn”

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