Personalized Email Marketing for Everyone

7 minute read
Personalized Email Marketing for Everyone

Personalize your email marketing with DailyStory

Email marketing remains one of the best ways to reach your customers. But, just like you, your audience receives dozens – if not hundreds – of emails per-day.

How do you make your message standout? Sending everyone the same email won’t work.

The answer is that you need to personalize each message. The content of each email needs to match characteristics of the recipient.

For example

  • How long have they been a customer?
  • Where are they in the customer journey?
  • What product pages have they viewed?
  • What activities have they participated in, such as a recent webinar or event?
  • Are they on social media? If so, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook?
  • Is this a business user or a consumer?
  • What time zone are they in? And where do they live?
  • Where do they work? What is their job title?

That’s not a comprehensive list, but you get the idea.

Rob Howard's advice on personalized email marketing

Today’s customers expect personalized email marketing. You have to ensure your message has the right context for your customer.

Rob Howard Founder at DailyStory

Use context to create personalized email marketing

Matching content with the person’s characteristics creates context. Context is the who, what, when, where, and how about your customer.

Context is critical for creating personalized email marketing campaigns.

The good news is that context can be as simple as ensuring the email gets delivered at an appropriate time.

For example, sending out your newsletter at 8AM Pacific Time is great for customers in Seattle. But when it is 8AM in Seattle it is 2AM in Sydney, Australia.

Personalize email marketing by timezone

Personalized email marketing can be as simple as delivering emails at the right time.

Let’s look at another example: a yoga studio sends out a monthly newsletter to its customers. The audience is a mix of new students and some seasoned yoga lovers. Including stretching tips for beginners won’t be relevant to advanced students.In both of the above examples, you can use context such as Timezone and Customer Type to determine how your personalized email marketing campaign is delivered to your recipients.

DailyStory enables this kind of email personalization and more, allowing you to quickly create, personalize, and send unique emails to all your contacts.

Workflow in your personalized email marketing

DailyStory’s workflow makes it unbelievably simple to ensure your emails get sent when you want, but more importantly the emails are sent localized to the time of the recipient.

Personalized email marketing based on the recipient’s timezone does require your contact’s timezone to be set.

All you need to do is create a campaign, add emails to your campaign, then create a new workflow.

DailyStory’s workflow gives you three options for how you control delivery time:

  • Email workflow step
  • Wait Until workflow step
  • Pause workflow step

Delivery date and time personalization

Each email sent by DailyStory’s workflow enables you to set the day of the week and time of day that the email should be sent:

Delivery date and time personalized email marketing

For example, going back to our example above, you can configure an email to be sent Monday at 8AM. DailyStory will automatically send the email to the contacts in your campaign when it is Monday and after 8AM for their localized time.

This way you can create a campaign, easily configure when you want emails to be sent, and trust that DailyStory will deliver the emails at the right time for each of your customers.

Waiting until a specific date and time

Sometimes you want to send an email at a specific date and time. For example, if you are running a webinar you want to notify attendees the day of the event.

The Wait Until workflow step isn’t specific to email. For example, you could use it to set delivery date of a text message too.

To accomplish this, DailyStory provides a Wait Until workflow step that waits until a specific date and time before moving on to the next step in the workflow.

Using this step you can tell a campaign workflow to wait until May 3rd to move to the next step in the workflow. The next step could then be an email that should be sent at 9:00A local to the recipient:

Wait until date and time personalized email marketing

Pause for an amount of time

The final workflow option for controlling when your email is delivered is the Pause workflow step.

The Pause workflow step isn’t specific to email. For example, you could use it to pause before sending a text message too.

Unlike the Wait Until workflow step which waits until a specific date and time, the Pause workflow step is designed to delay between steps:

Pause before continuing personalized email marketing

The Pause workflow step is great for drip campaigns and sequence emails where you want to wait a specific amount of time between each message. For example, a drip campaign that on-boards a new customer may send the first email when the new customer signs-up, but then may wait 2 weeks until sending a follow up email.

Templating in your personalized email marketing

Workflow helps control when and where your content is delivered, either through email, text messaging or other channels. Templating controls the what the message contains and how it is presented.

DailyStory enables content templating in email, text messaging and content pages.

Content Templating

Content templating adds content to your email, text messages, and content pages either directly or using simple logic.

For example, to add a recipient’s first name to an email you can use:

[html]Hi {{user.firstname}},[/html]

Simple enough, but what happens when you send this and don’t have a first name for the recipient? You end up with something like this:

Obviously, not ideal.

We can solve this with DailyStory’s content templating:

{{#if user.firstname}}Hello {{user.firstname}},{{else}}Hello,{{/if}}

If the user doesn’t have a first name we’ll change our email to:

That’s a simple example.

A contact’s entire profile graph, which you can add to, is accessible through templating.

Let’s say we wanted to change the content shown based on the city of a recipient:

{{#ifEqual “San Francisco”}}
Upcoming San Francisco user group meeting…
Join our upcoming webinar…

Or, maybe we have multiple cities:

{{#case “San Francisco”}}
Since you are in San Francisco, I also wanted to let you know …
{{#case “Seattle”}}
Since you are in Seattle, I also wanted to let you know …

If the recipient lived in San Francisco DailyStory would send them an email such as this:

Or, perhaps we want to sent a message based on the temperature:

{{#ifCond user.attributes.temp ‘<’ ‘50’}}
Check out our new line of winter golf jackets…

Personalized email marketing with DailyStory is simple and comprehensive.

DailyStory is comprehensive email marketing

DailyStory is a comprehensive email marketing platform. We’re able to send out thousands of unique emails each minute and track delivery, opens, clicks, bounces and opt-outs.

But so can hundreds of other email marketing platforms.

What makes DailyStory unique is the data capture that DailyStory does for you, the integration with other tools, and the ability to complement existing customer data with 3rd party data.

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