What’s New in DailyStory – February 2024 highlights

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What’s New in DailyStory – February 2024 highlights

March 20 webinar: “AI Basics 101”

What do you know about artificial intelligence? DailyStory founder Rob Howard explains what AI is, how it works, and what it means for you and your business in this free webinar on March 20.

Enhancements to adding calendar events to emails

When adding a calendar event to an email you’re creating in DailyStory, you’ll now be able to view previous events you’ve attached before. You’ll also now be able to see these events in the DailyStory calendar, as well as any accepts, declines, or tentative confirmations.

Add an image while using the SMS conversation view

For your convenience, you can now add an image while using the SMS conversation view as you’re having a texting conversation with a lead or customer.

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