5 ways to improve your customer service

Great customer service is never set and done. To be great, you have to regularly improve your systems, train your team and collect feedback for future improvements. The effort is worthwhile. Businesses that deliver excellent customer service can expect sales increases of about 20 percent … Continue reading “5 ways to improve your customer service”

7 tips for using an automatic email responder effectively

Managing our email inbox can feel like a never-ending task. Whether you’re on vacation, out of the office for a meeting, or simply need dedicated time to focus on important tasks, an automatic email responder can be a lifesaver.  However, to truly harness its potential … Continue reading “7 tips for using an automatic email responder effectively”

8 tips to create a successful customer survey for your business

Customer satisfaction can make or break your business, so a customer survey can help you understand how your customers are feeling and where you could potentially improve. Customer surveys are simply a method of soliciting customer feedback (using various tools) so you can measure your … Continue reading “8 tips to create a successful customer survey for your business”

6 ways to attract customers to in-store shopping

Despite the growth of online shopping, there’s still value in the in-store shopping experience. And if your business depends on actual foot traffic more than online sales, it’s important to attract customers to your physical store location. After the COVID-19 pandemic (when online was the … Continue reading “6 ways to attract customers to in-store shopping”

7 ways to connect with potential customers through marketing

As a marketer or business owner, you’re constantly looking for ways to find and connect with potential customers. Marketing is the answer. Of course, this is easier said than done because you have so much competition, and they seem to be doing everything right. However, … Continue reading “7 ways to connect with potential customers through marketing”

8 ways to improve customer responsiveness

Your business can either thrive or barely survive based on your customer responsiveness in this fast-moving digital world. How long does it take your team members to respond to a question from a customer or potential customer? Simple answer: The longer it takes, the worse … Continue reading “8 ways to improve customer responsiveness”

5 ways to use SMS text marketing for customer retention

SMS text message marketing is a great way to reach mobile-first consumers, but you can use it to boost your customer retention rate as well. Customer retention refers to the rate at which customers stay with a business for a given period of time. Increasing … Continue reading “5 ways to use SMS text marketing for customer retention”

6 tips to improve your customer retention rate

Strong customer retention is just smart business. The cost of losing one customer equates to seven times the resources used to convert them. Customer retention is about maintaining your current customer base and increasing loyalty by offering better products or services and other benefits. Customer … Continue reading “6 tips to improve your customer retention rate”

5 omnichannel marketing tips to help grow your business

With shopping habits rapidly evolving, it’s more important than ever for your multiple marketing channels to work together to engage consumers and ultimately lead them to purchase from you. Enter omnichannel marketing. Even if customers are in your physical store, about 42 percent of in-store … Continue reading “5 omnichannel marketing tips to help grow your business”

6 tips to boost your customer referrals

Businesses invest a lot into marketing efforts that bring in new customers, but what are you doing to increase your customer referrals? With more than 2.4 million brand-related conversations happening in the U.S., consumers are obviously already talking about their experiences with brands, for better … Continue reading “6 tips to boost your customer referrals”

10 tips to improve your brand’s online reputation

If you’re not keeping tabs on your brand’s online reputation, you could be shooting yourself (or at least your brand) in the foot. An online reputation comprises various strategies to shape the world’s perception of your brand online. If handled correctly, you’re able to build … Continue reading “10 tips to improve your brand’s online reputation”

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