5 tips to successfully promote your loyalty rewards program

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5 tips to successfully promote your loyalty rewards program

Regardless of whether you’re about to launch a loyalty rewards program or already have an existing one, promotion is everything.

Loyalty rewards programs can help grow your business.

In fact, consumers who engage in high-performing loyalty programs are twice as likely to increase their frequency of purchases. More than 90 percent of companies have some sort of loyalty program.

Clearly, the more members you can drive to join and engage with your loyalty rewards program, the better.

The following are five tips to successfully promote your loyalty rewards program and do just that.

Start with an invitation

It sounds simple, but sometimes, the best place to start with growing your loyalty rewards membership is to invite your customers to join.

This can be done in a number of different ways:

Remember that the easiest thing to do is to ask. Customers (new or existing) can’t join something they’re not aware exists. You might be surprised by the response. 

Offer a welcome gift

To reinforce the value of your loyalty rewards program, consider offering a “welcome gift” for all new members. 

This gives immediate gratification to your members as well and can be used as an incentive for joining.

The gift can be anything that makes sense for your business and your bottom line.

Cross-promote everywhere possible

You can leverage the power of digital marketing by bringing all your available channels together to share one message that can engage your target audience in different ways.

Cross-promotion is critical for any loyalty rewards program promotion. Customers appreciate (and expect) their favorite brands to keep pace with them.

Start with a simple, clear and consistent message, and then, consider how best to convey that through every social media platform and digital marketing medium you have available to you.

Dive deeper with our seven tips to level up your content marketing.

Incentivize all loyalty rewards program referrals

Word of mouth is powerful, and you can take advantage of that by giving your loyalty rewards program members an incentive to invite their friends and/or family to join.

It’s about turning your brand advocates into brand ambassadors. About 92 percent of consumers trust recommendations from people they know directly.

Depending on the setup of your program, you can do this by offering bonus points, a free product, a free service, a discount toward a future purchase or something else.

Go ‘old school’ with display advertisements

Whether you have one physical business location or multiple, consider designing and displaying various display options promoting your loyalty rewards program. This can include: 

  • Flyers
  • Posters
  • Promo cards
  • Inclusion on all printed receipts

You can make it easy for interested customers to act on your display promotions by requesting a code be texted to a number, having an available tablet where they can sign up or by using a QR code.

If you don’t have a physical business location, consider a pop-up display ad on your website and/or a standing loyalty rewards program promotion on your homepage.

Remember, the most important aspect of having a loyalty rewards program is getting the word out. Then, take the time to think about the best incentives you can offer and what the messaging should be around that. 

As you begin promoting your loyalty rewards program, consider optimizing your digital marketing process, which includes automation, audience segmentation and enhanced email marketing capabilities, to name a few. DailyStory can help. Schedule your free demo with us today.

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