Maximizing digital marketing: Understanding social proof and its 9 strategic applications

When digging deeper into the idea of “social proof,” just remember that humans are definitely pack animals. Psychologically speaking, humans want to fit in with the rest of the crowd, and this can affect us in many ways, particularly our consumer behavior. Social proof refers … Continue reading “Maximizing digital marketing: Understanding social proof and its 9 strategic applications”

17 of the best social proof tools to boost your sales

Social proof can help convert your potential customers into paying customers. This marketing technique refers to potential customers assuming that what others are doing is correct based on how often they see those actions. In other words, social proof is about looking to others to … Continue reading “17 of the best social proof tools to boost your sales”

How to evaluate your company’s marketing data

Gathering marketing data is a great first step to understanding your target audience and ensuring your campaigns are effective. However, after gathering data, you’ll need to understand that data by being able to read and evaluate it. Evaluation is key to ensuring you cut out … Continue reading “How to evaluate your company’s marketing data”

11 tips to best respond to negative reviews

No business wants (or wants to have to respond to) negative reviews online.  But they do happen, and you must respond to reduce any damage to your online reputation and potential sales. About 90 percent of consumers worldwide read reviews before buying products, and about … Continue reading “11 tips to best respond to negative reviews”

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