6 tips to boost brand awareness with email marketing

7 minute read
6 tips to boost brand awareness with email marketing

In a digital world where a brand’s visibility can make or break its success, building strong brand awareness has become a non-negotiable part of any effective marketing strategy.

Yet, amidst the noise of social media campaigns and influencer partnerships, one tool often flies under the radar: email marketing.

We’ll uncover why this “old school” method is still relevant and powerful, and how your brand can harness its potential to boost brand awareness.

So, stick around if you’re keen on keeping your brand top of mind for current and potential customers alike. It’s time to click “send” on better brand recognition.

Building a quality email list

Building a quality email list requires a certain level of strategy and thoroughness. To start, always make it as simple as possible for people to sign up for your emails.

This could be through email collection apps, a subscription form on your website, or as part of the checkout process in your online store.

Next, consider offering an incentive to encourage people to sign up. This could be anything from exclusive discounts to early access to your products or services, or even valuable content that’s relevant to your audience.

It’s also important to regularly verify and clean your email list to keep it free from inactive or duplicate addresses as email management matters for both, the sender as well as the receiver.

This not only helps improve deliverability but also ensures that your emails are going to people who are genuinely interested in your brand.

Finally, remember that quality trumps quantity any day. It’s far more beneficial for your brand to have a smaller, engaged audience than a larger, disinterested one.

Always prioritize building meaningful relationships with your subscribers over simply increasing numbers.

Personalizing email content

Personalizing email content is a powerful way to connect with your audience on a deeper level, fostering a sense of relevance and enhancing your brand perception.

It goes beyond just incorporating the recipient’s first name in the email greeting – it hones in on their individual interests, preferences, and behaviors.

Firstly, segmentation is key. Group your email subscribers according to different categories, like their purchasing behavior, interests, location, or engagement with previous emails.

This will allow you to tailor your content to each group’s specific needs or preferences.

Next, consider event-triggered emails, which are sent out based on a person’s behavior or action, like a follow-up email after a purchase or a birthday greeting.

This kind of personalization shows that your brand pays attention to these details, which can significantly boost customer engagement and trust.

Lastly, always strive for relevance in your personalized content. Conduct regular surveys or feedback sessions to understand what your subscribers want and expect from your brand.

When done right, personalized email content can pave the way for improved relationships between your brand and its audience and, ultimately, better brand awareness.

Delivering value through emails

Delivering value through emails boils down to knowing your audience, meeting their expectations, and continually providing content that resonates with them.

When creating your emails, aim to provide content that educates, informs, or entertains your audience.

This could be insider tips, industry news, how-to guides, or even just a bit of humor. The key here is to offer something beneficial that extends beyond your products or services.

Incorporate exclusive offers or discounts that are only available to your email subscribers. This can create a sense of exclusivity and reward for being part of your email community, and can also encourage more sign-ups.

Interactive content like quizzes, surveys, or interactive infographics can hugely boost engagement rates.

They also add an element of fun to your emails and help to keep your brand fresh in the minds of your subscribers.

Don’t forget to include clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs). You want to guide your readers on what to do after they’ve read your content. This includes prompts to visit your website, take advantage of a sale, or share your newsletter with their own network.

Monitoring and improving email deliverability

Monitoring and improving email deliverability is crucial. If your emails aren’t reaching your subscribers’ inboxes, your efforts to boost brand awareness through email marketing will be in vain.

Several key metrics can help you gauge how well your emails are being delivered. These include:

  • Bounce rate: This refers to the percentage of emails that couldn’t be delivered. High bounce rates might indicate that you need to clean your email list.
  • Spam complaints: If your subscribers mark your emails as spam, your future emails could end up in the spam folder, too. Keep an eye on this number and aim to keep it as low as possible.
  • Open and click-through rates: These are indications of how engaging your emails are to your recipients. Low rates could signify a deliverability issue.

To improve your email deliverability, aim for a clean and engaged email list; don’t resort to buying email lists as this can lead to high bounce rates and spam complaints.

Design your emails to avoid looking like spam. Avoid all caps or exclamation marks in your subject lines, and steer clear of spam trigger words like “free,” “guarantee,” and “no obligation.”

There are tons of free spam word checkers available to help you out.

Frequency and timing of emails

When it comes to determining the best frequency and timing of your emails, there’s no one-size-fits-all rule. What works best for your brand will depend on your specific audience, their behaviors, and your industry.

A good place to start is with your email analytics. Look for patterns. On which days and times do your emails get the highest open and click-through rates? Use this data to guide your scheduling decisions.

Another aspect to consider is the nature of your content. If you’re sharing time-sensitive offers or breaking news, you might need to email your audience more frequently.

On the other hand, weekly or biweekly emails work well for providing informative content, updates, or tips.

In terms of timing, studies suggest that weekdays during work hours see the highest engagement. But again, it’s essential to understand your specific audience’s habits.

And finally, always prioritize the value you’re providing. It’s better to send fewer, high-quality emails than bombard your subscribers with low-quality content. And don’t shy away from directly asking your audience for their preferences either.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to enhance brand awareness without annoying your subscribers. So, pay attention to the unsubscribe and spam complaint rates as you experiment with the frequency and timing of your emails.

Integrating social media with emails

Integrating social media with your email marketing is a smart tactic that can help enhance your brand awareness. Here are a few strategies for doing so successfully:

Firstly, include social media share buttons in your emails. This makes it easy for readers to share your content on their own social channels, broadening your brand’s reach.

You can also include links to your own social media profiles. Then, invite your email subscribers to connect with your brand on other platforms where they can interact with you more regularly and casually.

User-generated content (UGC) is another powerful tool. Encourage your email subscribers to repost your content or create their own, using your brand’s dedicated hashtags.

You might even feature some of your favorite UGC in your emails, essentially giving your subscribers a shout-out and fostering a sense of community around your brand.

In a reverse strategy, you can also use your social media platforms to encourage sign-ups to your email newsletters. This ensures that more of your fans are receiving your carefully curated content straight to their inboxes.

Finally, you can even use social media ads to retarget those who have opened or clicked through your emails, reinforcing your brand message across multiple platforms.

In conclusion

So, there you have it … a closer look at how you can leverage email marketing to enhance brand awareness and having a well-planned online reputation management strategy.

From building a quality email list to integrating social media, there’s a world of strategies at your disposal.

It’s all about understanding your audience, delivering value, and maintaining consistency in your messages.

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