Unlocking the power of email coupons: 10 tips for success

One highly effective strategy within email marketing is the use of email coupons. When used correctly, email coupons can significantly boost customer loyalty, increase conversion rates, and enhance overall revenue. Plus, close to 60 percent of U.S. coupon users preferred online coupons in 2023. The following … Continue reading “Unlocking the power of email coupons: 10 tips for success”

8 tips on writing a text message that won’t get ignored

SMS, or text messages, still is the most used messaging platform. According to Business.com, 97% of people text at least once a day, and since a traditional email spam filter does not screen SMS (see carrier violations, though), a business incorporating SMS into its marketing … Continue reading “8 tips on writing a text message that won’t get ignored”

Push notification strategy in the works? Here’s what you should consider

Push notifications have come a long way since first being introduced by Apple in 2009. If you have an app, they should be a thought-out piece of your overall marketing strategy in this climate of online noise. Below are eight things you should consider when … Continue reading “Push notification strategy in the works? Here’s what you should consider”

Maximizing email engagement: 7 tips for effective email buttons

With inboxes cluttered and attention spans short, it’s crucial to make every element of your email count. One of the most significant components that can make or break your email’s effectiveness is the Call to Action (CTA) button. The average click-through rate for CTAs is … Continue reading “Maximizing email engagement: 7 tips for effective email buttons”

10 of the latest technology trends that impact businesses

All businesses use technology in their day-to-day operations. Whether you run a small store or an online business, you use everything from the most basic technology like computers to more advanced technology like automation software.  Unfortunately, far too many small business owners purchase office equipment … Continue reading “10 of the latest technology trends that impact businesses”

10 email capture tips to build a robust subscriber list

The key to effective email marketing lies in having a robust and active subscriber list. Capturing emails efficiently and ethically is the foundation of a successful email marketing strategy. Keep in mind that email marketing is used by 31 percent of marketers, while 81 percent … Continue reading “10 email capture tips to build a robust subscriber list”

Online storytelling: The intersection of branding and marketing

In today’s digital landscape, people are bombarded with so much information from various directions. In Donald Miller’s book Building A Story Brand, Miller states, “Story is the greatest weapon to combat noise.” He explained that the story organizes information that compels people to listen.  Online … Continue reading “Online storytelling: The intersection of branding and marketing”

5 ways to improve your customer service

Great customer service is never set and done. To be great, you have to regularly improve your systems, train your team and collect feedback for future improvements. The effort is worthwhile. Businesses that deliver excellent customer service can expect sales increases of about 20 percent … Continue reading “5 ways to improve your customer service”

Mastering confirmation emails: Enhancing engagement and building trust [plus template]

Confirmation emails play a pivotal role in shaping customer experiences and fostering lasting relationships. (Stay tuned for our free template.) From confirming purchases to event registrations and newsletter subscriptions, these emails serve as more than just transactional receipts. They represent valuable touchpoints for engaging with … Continue reading “Mastering confirmation emails: Enhancing engagement and building trust [plus template]”

Unveiling the power of email advertising: Why it’s still the champion of digital marketing

In a digital world filled with tweets, snaps, and likes, one marketing strategy stands tall, proving its enduring effectiveness: email advertising.  Despite the evolving landscape of digital marketing, email remains a powerhouse, delivering unmatched ROI and fostering lasting connections with customers.  In this article, we’ll … Continue reading “Unveiling the power of email advertising: Why it’s still the champion of digital marketing”

13 common SEO mistakes you could be making right now

Whether you’ve heard of search engine optimization before or not, your website could already be making common SEO mistakes. Why does this matter? The more SEO mistakes you’re making, the less likely you’ll rank anywhere significant (or at all) on a search engine results page … Continue reading “13 common SEO mistakes you could be making right now”

9 tips to make your A/B testing more effective

A key component of successful digital marketing is a combination of experimentation and analysis. But how do you know which subject line approach or visual in an email will be more successful with your audience? The answer is A/B testing, which is the process of … Continue reading “9 tips to make your A/B testing more effective”

6 ways to collect email addresses without a website

We’ve said it before: email marketing is a critical component of any overall digital marketing strategy. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. Check out these 48 statistics that show the value of email marketing for … Continue reading “6 ways to collect email addresses without a website”

6 tips for automated email personalization

Email marketing automation can level up your campaign results, but it’s important to personalize your content as much as possible. Fortunately, it is possible to use automated email personalization. Simply put, email marketing automation transforms the manual sending of marketing emails into an automatic workflow … Continue reading “6 tips for automated email personalization”

Mastering the art of email blast: A comprehensive guide

Email marketing remains one of the most effective and reliable strategies for businesses to reach their audience.  Among the various email marketing techniques, the email blast stands out as a powerful tool for broadcasting messages to a large number of recipients simultaneously.  Whether you’re promoting … Continue reading “Mastering the art of email blast: A comprehensive guide”

Elevate your marketing with dynamic content in emails

Email remains a stalwart channel for reaching and engaging with customers.  However, with inboxes inundated with messages daily, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for marketers to capture and retain their audience’s attention.  Enter dynamic content in emails—a game-changer for enhancing email marketing campaigns and driving better … Continue reading “Elevate your marketing with dynamic content in emails”

Mastering the art of drip emails to boost engagement and conversions

Competition for consumer attention is fiercer than ever, so businesses must adopt strategic approaches to nurture leads and drive conversions effectively. One powerful tool in the marketer’s arsenal is drip email campaigns.  Drip emails, also known as automated email sequences or lifecycle emails, are a … Continue reading “Mastering the art of drip emails to boost engagement and conversions”

5 landing page benefits for your small business

When it comes to converting website visitors to customers, your home page often is not enough. To be clear, your website’s home page acts as more of an introduction to your business. On the flip side, landing pages are standalone web pages that are disconnected … Continue reading “5 landing page benefits for your small business”

Franchise SMS marketing: How to grow subscribers

With SMS marketing continuing to grow in popularity, every franchise should work it into its digital marketing strategy. But with strict opt-in procedures required, you can’t leap into your first text message campaign before you have a confirmed subscriber list (regardless of how many contact … Continue reading “Franchise SMS marketing: How to grow subscribers”

Streamlining operations: Essential software solutions for modern businesses

Running a business in the modern world is like juggling squirrels at a rave. Mixed metaphors aside, you have to balance a lot for any business, no matter how large, small, simple, or complex your plans might be. On top of that, you have to … Continue reading “Streamlining operations: Essential software solutions for modern businesses”

The role of AI summary generators in email marketing

AI summary generators are online tools that quickly and accurately condense lengthy pieces of content using artificial intelligence. The summary they will generate will have the same quality and meaning as the original version.  These generators are widely used in the field of academics by … Continue reading “The role of AI summary generators in email marketing”

6 best things to sell to start a business in 2024 

Building a store for a new business takes more effort and planning than developing an ordinary website. An ecommerce platform should have a frictionless shopping cart, a custom domain name, a seamless checkout flow, an intuitive user interface (UI), search engine optimization, and an appealing … Continue reading “6 best things to sell to start a business in 2024 “

What is conversational marketing? 3 ways it can help your business

The power of conversational marketing happens when we can make our messaging helpful, personal, and empathetic—but at scale. By the sound of it, you might think that your company’s digital marketing strategy is already a version of conversational marketing, especially if you’re customer-focused. And you’re … Continue reading “What is conversational marketing? 3 ways it can help your business”

7 tips for using an automatic email responder effectively

Managing our email inbox can feel like a never-ending task. Whether you’re on vacation, out of the office for a meeting, or simply need dedicated time to focus on important tasks, an automatic email responder can be a lifesaver.  However, to truly harness its potential … Continue reading “7 tips for using an automatic email responder effectively”

8 reasons to employ an SMS marketing strategy

When you’re in the marketing industry, it’s well-known that some of the most popular marketing strategies bank on short-form social media content creation, influencer marketing, and other forms of digital marketing. One of the most overlooked methods of reaching an audience in 2024 is SMS … Continue reading “8 reasons to employ an SMS marketing strategy”

8 tips to create a successful customer survey for your business

Customer satisfaction can make or break your business, so a customer survey can help you understand how your customers are feeling and where you could potentially improve. Customer surveys are simply a method of soliciting customer feedback (using various tools) so you can measure your … Continue reading “8 tips to create a successful customer survey for your business”

The best ways to translate text on images effortlessly

Imagine that you are on an international business trip, and there the locals provide you with a document or images in their native language. Likewise, if you are collaborating with global clients or customers, you may receive photos or documents in their local language. In … Continue reading “The best ways to translate text on images effortlessly”

How to earn passive income through digital marketing and SEO in 2024

At least 45 percent of people in the U.S. alone have a side hustle. And many want this job to be remote for their own comfort. That’s where the digital marketing and SEO industry might be a perfect fit for those looking to earn passive … Continue reading “How to earn passive income through digital marketing and SEO in 2024”

Crafting cold emails that convert: 2 free templates

In today’s competitive business landscape, effective communication is paramount, and cold emails represent a powerful tool in the arsenal of any savvy marketer or sales professional. Plus, we have a free template available. Keep in mind that while the average cold email reply rate is … Continue reading “Crafting cold emails that convert: 2 free templates”

5 strategies to increase sales with your mobile app

If your business has a mobile app, you have additional opportunities to both engage with your customers and increase overall sales. Mobile apps are powerful tools. About 49 percent of consumers open an app more than 11 times each day, and about 70 percent of … Continue reading “5 strategies to increase sales with your mobile app”

How rebranding and redesigning drive traffic surge in your marketing strategy

In today’s digital landscape, a company’s website serves as its digital storefront, often forming the first impression for potential customers. As such, the importance of a well-designed and strategically positioned website cannot be overstated. This is where the concepts of rebranding and redesigning come into … Continue reading “How rebranding and redesigning drive traffic surge in your marketing strategy”

7 strategies to grow quality backlinks and boost your SEO

Backlinks are a critical part of SEO strategy Quality backlinks, links that point from one website to another, are a critical part of SEO strategy. And any SEO expert will tell you building backlinks is very important to your overall SEO strategy. Organic traffic is … Continue reading “7 strategies to grow quality backlinks and boost your SEO”

What are the best ways to gain leads from content marketing?

Content marketing has great potential to attract leads. However, it should be done the right way to bring in the maximum extract. Companies and businesses can prove themselves to be industry leaders if they follow the right content practices. For instance, educational and valuable content … Continue reading “What are the best ways to gain leads from content marketing?”

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